Bye Bye 'Berti'

Let's start with the good because in a 100+ loss season (In the words of the great Bart Simpson) all you can say is "Ay 🖕 Caramba" 🙈🙈🙈. For all the smoke and OPPORTUNITIES received by a few quote on quote "Prospect" position players in 2019, yeah that's you Lewis Brinson & Isan Diaz 😉,  it's been guys like Jon Berti & Harold Ramirez who have impressed this year, and should be on this Roster in some capacity next season. 

Both Berti and Ramirez signed as Minor League Free-Agents an off-season ago and have  proven to be plenty "Big League". Berti, a 29 year old Rookie getting his first true look in the Majors, can play the strongest positions of both the outfield and infield. He's hitting .275 with a .353 On Base Percentage (and doing something on those base paths). His 12 Stolen Bases lead the Team, and having scored 50 Runs puts him 5th on the Marlins in only 67 games. 

Ramirez is a 25 year old Colombian who finally got the chance to make his MLB debut this year after spending 7 Seasons in Pittsburgh & Toronto's system. Harold's hitting a cool .304 with runners in scoring position, contributing to his 49 RBI's (which is 5th on the Team). He didn't make his debut until May 11th and isn't even in there everyday.

Worst Decision In Franchise History

It hasn't been an easy go for Derek Jeter and the high brass since 2 years ago when the Team came under new ownership. I don't know who's in charge of his public relations department, but 'Jeeeez' 🙈. D.J, who seemingly couldn't make a mistake in New York as a ballplayer on this front, is shooting himself in the foot continuously in Miami. With no decision more mind boggling than the 1 he and the Organization made this past week. To give manager Don Mattingly an extension! 

Look, I've mentioned in previous blogs my displeasure with Mattingly in the past. But this goes beyond the X's and O's of Baseball.. If I have a job (doesn't even have to be in sports) where I'm in charge of the day by day and the company or what ever is coming off one of the worst years in recent memory. Someone please explain to me How In The World do I not only keep my job, but get Rewarded for having an even worse year?! Where in sports, Where in whatever does that happen?! More importantly, What Message Are You Sending Your Fan Base (I'm one of them btw) (and this fan base isn't many in numbers) by doing that??? 

Mattingly's contract (Which was for 4 years, with a pretty high salary, and included 4 Losing Seasons) was up 🙈! Not only do you NOT move on, You Reward a One Hundred + Loss season by giving him a contract extension!! This business isn't any business now. It's sports, it's in the public eye. How do you explain to people who follow you That That's Ok?! To give you an example, The Boston Red Sox, NOT 1 YEAR REMOVED FROM WINNING THE WORLD SERIES, Fired their President of Baseball Ops for not making the Playoffs this year! That's why this Marlins Franchise is where it's at!! Not only are you accepting mediocrity, you embrace it?!


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